I should not have read that...
now I feel bad..sad?guilty?scared?dont know...
I have tried very hard to put that issu apart,but now seems everything
comes back again..I dont want!!!
I dont even know the whole story and I feel so helpless.
I cant help myself to feel bad...
I was told,it's not my matter but I feel that I was the main cause of it.
Tired of asking,I gave up.
It's not easy to face them anymore.
Things change.
Maybe I should not be like that before..
Lots of maybe..I regret now.Seriously..
I'm sorry for what I did.
--have to stop now..DS commun of Maths is waiting for me
two more days..can I manage it?I hope I can..Jia you,pei xin!
*xiao xing*-en a un peu marre de maths
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