I received lots of wishes from my sisters and parents.
'sheng ri kuai le' are the words...
I am happy and touched actually...
Since we are young,we are used to celebrate our birthday
together.So every year we have a least 8times of celebration.
Sometimes,there are father's and mother's day.We complained
about having too much of cakes every year.However,since
2005,I never celebrated with them.Four birthdays went
without them.How I miss them...my sisters...
So I am 21 already,or 22 according to lunar calendar.
But I prefer 21...hehe.My mum said I got a big present from
dad.It is-->my dad's promotion.happy for him^ ^
I still remember the day before the interview.I saw him
preparing the shirt,tie etc...Dad,sorry for being harsh
to you that day.Please forgive me...
Here are my two bao bei.I consider them as my birthday's
presents lor..thanks ya...I love them!
And I love Grenoble too!I wont forget the veiw in the early
morning here.It's just incredible!
Time to go...
*xiao xing*
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